Are you ready to get recognized and raise your salary?

Dear developers,

First of all, I feel ashamed.

I haven't sent valuable content on a regular basis, and that is on me.

This email is my way of saying sorry and promising it will change.

My mission is to help you get recognized, enhance your professional image and earn more money.

From now on, you can expect three emails per week.

And in the future, I might even send daily emails.

What does it mean for you?

I will share my two decades of experience in helping my team of developers climb the corporate ladder and spread their wings.

And now it's your turn to fly.

I would love to know you better in the most personalized way I can.

That's why I created a little survey that takes 103 seconds to complete.

That's how short it is.

In return for your answers, I have a little surprise for you.

This is what you do next.

1 - Fill in the survey

Click here to answer. It takes 103 seconds to complete.

If the above link does not work, copy and paste this link into your browser's address bar:

2 - Hit reply when you are done and send me "developer" in the reply

3 - And I will send you a very useful gift

I am looking forward to getting to know you better.

Your friend,

PS - If I host a paid workshop where I help you get recognized by your manager so that you get a raise in your following annual review. Would you be interested?

Grow Your Network, Get Noticed & Attract opportunities!

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