Build Your Online Presence in Just 5 Days

Over the next five days, you'll uncover the strategies and tools needed to showcase your skills, connect with industry peers, and build your online presence.

Each day, we'll tackle key aspects of building an impactful online profile, from optimizing your LinkedIn and GitHub accounts to engaging with the tech community confidently.

Whether you're aiming to boost your career, share your projects, or simply expand your network, this course is your first step toward achieving those goals.

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This email course is created exclusively for developers looking to elevate their online presence.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Vinod Sharma

    Career Development Coach

    Who am I?

    Drawing from 24 years in software development, I've distilled the essence of building an impactful online presence into this concise, five-day course.

    I wrote Career Development Roadmap, 10-Minute Daily Planning guide, and Quarterly Planning Workbook to help expedite your career growth.

    I created this email course to help you build your online presence, connect with industry peers, and find new opportunities.

    Course Benefits

    * Discover proven strategies to enhance your visibility and influence, even if you're starting from scratch.

    * Learn how to connect with peers, mentors, and leaders in your field without the overwhelm.

    * Get insider tips on using platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and more to highlight your skills, achievements and projects.

    * Tackle common fears and misconceptions about being active online, ensuring your activities reflect positively on your professional image.

    * Equip yourself with tools and habits to maintain and grow your online presence long after the course ends.


    Q: Who is this course for? A: Whether you're an entry-level developer or mid-level looking to expand your reach, this course is designed to provide actionable steps towards building a powerful online presence.

    Q: How much time will I need to dedicate each day? A: Each day's content is crafted to provide maximum value with minimum time investment—expect to spend about 15-30 minutes on daily tasks.

    Q: Is the course really free? A: Absolutely! This course is a free resource aimed at empowering developers to make their mark in the tech world.

    Q: What do I need to start? A: All you need is an email address and a willingness to explore the possibilities of your online presence.

    Q: Will I need any special software or tools to participate in this course? A: No. All you need is access to the internet and an email account to receive our daily course content.

    Contact Information

    Have questions about the course? Reach out to us at – we're here to help you succeed.

    What will I learn?

    Day 1: Laying the Foundation

    • Identify Your Unique Value: Uncover and articulate what makes you stand out in the tech world. Learn to craft a compelling personal brand that resonates with your professional goals.
    • Strategize Your Online Presence: Understand the key components of a powerful online profile and how to effectively communicate your expertise and aspirations.

    Day 2: Effective Use of Professional Platforms

    • Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Dive deep into strategies for making your LinkedIn profile not just visible, but irresistible to colleagues, recruiters, and industry leaders.
    • Master GitHub for Career Growth: Discover how to showcase your projects and contributions on GitHub to highlight your technical skills and collaborative prowess.
    • Create an Engaging Portfolio: Learn the essentials of building a personal portfolio website that captures your career achievements and showcases your projects.

    Day 3: Creating and Sharing Your Content

    • Content Creation Skills: Gain insights into creating engaging, valuable content that showcases your expertise and attracts a wider audience.
    • Share Your Journey: Learn the art of storytelling to share your experiences, projects, and learnings in a way that builds your network and establishes your thought leadership.

    Day 4: Engaging with the Community

    • Build Meaningful Connections: Discover effective networking strategies that suit your introverted nature. Learn how to engage with peers and industry leaders to foster professional relationships.
    • Contribute to Conversations: Understand how to participate in relevant discussions, share your insights, and add value to your tech community without the overwhelm.

    Day 5: Sustaining and Growing Your Presence

    • Develop a Consistent Routine: Get practical tips on maintaining an active online presence without it taking over your life. Learn how to schedule and plan your content and engagement activities efficiently.
    • Expand Your Reach: Explore advanced strategies for growing your online presence, including guest blogging, public speaking, and leveraging new platforms for increased visibility.